Spéciale Garden Bouquet


Take in the sophistication of this breathtaking arrangement made of David Austin roses! Made with just the right hues, this stunning creation has the ultimate blooms to make your special recipient smile for days!


DISCLAIMER – FRESH FLOWERS: These items are fresh cut flowers and these are perishable. Kindly follow care instructions stated under the “Flower Care & Handling” page for “TSF Fresh Flowers in Signature Boxes” on the TSF website.

Please note that if no variations from the dropdown list are chosen, you will get the arrangement featured unless substitution may need to be made based on season, availability of flowers or other unforeseen or uncontrollable circumstances. By making a purchase on this website, Customer authorizes substitutions within a specific color palette. Necessary substitutions will be at the designer’s discretion.

M size: 55 cm (W) × 75-80 cm (H)
L size: 75 cm (W) × 75-80 cm (H)


M size: Imported red & pink rose (25-27 stalks), white and pink hydrangea (2-3stalks) , white eustoma (4-6 stalks)
L size: Imported red & pink rose (48-50 stalks), white and pink hydrangea (4-5stalks) , white eustoma (8-10 stalks)

*picture showing product in L size


2-4 days


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