Ohara Plumeux Bouquet


A serene garden where delicate pink petals dance on a gentle breeze. The fragrance bouquet begins with a top note of fresh rose petals, evoking the image of a blush-colored garden in full bloom. This is complemented by the subtle sweetness of blossoms, adding a soft, romantic allure to the scent.

t is adorned with feathers in varying shades of pink, delicately encircling the bottle like a nest. The bottle itself is a vision in soft pink, with curves that mimic the gentle sway of petals in the breeze. It’s a masterpiece of fragrance and design, inviting you to experience the beauty and serenity of a blooming garden.


DISCLAIMER – FRESH FLOWERS: These items are fresh cut flowers and these are perishable. Kindly follow care instructions stated under the “Flower Care & Handling” page for “TSF Fresh Flowers in Signature Boxes” on the TSF website.

Please note that if no variations from the dropdown list are chosen, you will get the arrangement featured unless substitution may need to be made based on season, availability of flowers or other unforeseen or uncontrollable circumstances. By making a purchase on this website, Customer authorizes substitutions within a specific color palette. Necessary substitutions will be at the designer’s discretion.

M size : 60 cm (W) × 45 cm (H)
L size : 75 cm (W) × 60 cm (H)


M size : 20 stalks Ohara Fragrance Rose
L size : 40 stalks Ohara Fragrance Rose

2-4 days


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